
Teams Admin Tool
During my job of Unified Communication Analyst, I was migrating our sites using Skype For Enterprise to Microsoft Teams. By doing that, the local IT guy’s weren’t able anymore to set up Enterprise Voice functionnality to Users. Thereby I created a tool based on PowerApp, to allow them to set up voice functionnality to the…

Sailpoint Campain Script
Sailpoint is a solution used to protect against cyber threats and for maximizing workforce efficiency. The campains are used to review the rights of people, and thereby avoiding them to have too much or useless rights. The goal was to create a powershell script, which pull on-going and finished campain, and upload them onto a…

Rainbow Table
This project was done during my second year of Master. The goal of this project was to create a script using rainbow table system in order to crack a password

USB Secured PXE
This Project was done during my first Year of Master. The goal of this project was to set up a PXE server, without any PXE menu and secured by empty USB Key. Then each USB key allowed the deployment of one specific OS on the computer where the USB is plugged

Urban Drive
Urban Drive, is a project done during the first year of my Master. The goal of this project was to create a call & SMS carpooling platform. This one was also based on linux, OpenStreetMap and Asterisk. The user had to call an IVR to search for an available ride.

The LEAP4SKYWALKER project is a project of MASTER I ISRI students at the Picardie Jules Vernes University of Amiens as part of the “Discovery of Research” teaching module. The project consists of creating an interface allowing you to control a flying drone (AR DRONE) via a small module called “Leapmotion” which allows you to control…